1. In a church, an AGM is about the body of Christ (the congregation)
discerning the Spirit. In other words, as a community we are answering the question: “what are our deepest and most authentic desires for
ourselves and for God’s world?” By tuning into our deepest longings, we discover God’s will for our lives, our church and our community; for our deepest longings coincide with God’s.
2. An AGM is also about discerning the gift-based ministry of all
believers. What does this mean? Our firm conviction is that by virtue of our baptism, every person is a minister and has been given a gift by the Spirit for building up the community in unity and love. At the AGM we celebrate our status as ministers, we offer gratitude for the gifts that the Spirit gives, and we discern who has been called to practice their
discipleship by being leaders, or teachers, or evangelists etc.