Alstonville Anglicans is a safe place for you and your family.

Alstonville Anglicans are committed to ensuring that all people who participate in our worship, programs and ministries have a safe and rewarding experience.

All our volunteers are trained in Faithfulness and Service and the training is renewed every three years.

Ministry coordinators and child workers have safe ministry training.

If you feel unsafe you may call the Director of Professional Standards on 1800 370 757 for support and assistance.

Our Safe Ministry Officer is John Noble. Contact him through the church.

Being Together

Alstonville Anglicans have adopted a statement of expectations of behaviour in our church community called Being Together

Jesus told us to love one another as he loves us. As Christians we know our life together is strengthened when our behaviour is consistent with our faith.

However, our experience of being together can be difficult, particularly when there are differences. So it is important to be clear about how we will behave towards each other.

  • Being a community: We will value the wellbeing of others. We will encourage each other to participate in the life of the church. We will consider the impact of our behaviour on others.

  • Relating to each other: We will treat each other with respect and dignity, irrespective of ability, gender, sexuality, race, age or contribution to the church. We will act with integrity and honesty in our interactions with each other.

  • Communicating with each other: We will communicate respectfully with others, and not in a way that threatens, belittles or humiliates. We will speak with integrity and honesty, and refrain from speculation and gossip.

  • Acknowledging difference: We will respect those who are different from us and not isolate or ridicule them. We will listen to and seek to understand the beliefs, opinions, and practices of others, even when we do not share their views.

  • Responding to conflict: We will accept responsibility for our part in a conflict. We will be willing to play our part in resolving a conflict.

Safe ministry Contacts

  • Call ‘000’ in an emergency

  • Call the NSW Police Assistance Line (131 444) for non-urgent responses.

  • Other hotlines that can help with specific adult situations include:

    • NSW Mental Health Line 1800 011 511

    • Elder Abuse Line 1800 62 82 21

    • National Disability Abuse and Neglect Hotline 1800 88 00 52

    • Family and Domestic Violence (1800 RESPECT) 1800 737 732

  • A helpful guide to reporting suspected abuse (in the case of vulnerable adults) is:

  • In the case of suspected domestic violence a helpful resources is:

Online safety resources:

Free courses on everything from how to access the internet, using your device and keeping in touch with others online.

Safe Children - Helpful Links

  • Mandatory Reporting Guide can be assessed at or .

  • Reporting when Children are at Risk:


Safe Ministry Training

  • Online training is available here:

  • All lay ministers, ministry coordinators and members of Parish Council are required to have an up-to-date safe church training certificate.

  • The training must be updated every three years. The refresher training course is sufficient for this purpose and can be accessed from the above link. The refresher course must be accessed within two months of the third anniversary of your essentials training.

Faithfulness in service

An online copy of faithfulness in service is available here:


How to report abuse

The Anglican Diocese of Grafton takes all complaints of misconduct and abuse very seriously.

The Director of Professional Standards will respond to all complaints or information of misconduct in relation to child sexual abuse (including child exploitation material and grooming offences), sexually inappropriate behaviour, sexual assault or sexual harassment (including a failure in these processes) by clergy, Church workers and the Bishop .

Complaints about clergy and church workers

The first step in making a complaint is to call the Director of Professional Standards on 1800 370 757 for support and assistance.

You can also write to the Director:

Director of Professional Standards
Anglican Diocese of Grafton
PO Box 4

Mark your envelope “Confidential”.

or by email to:

Please be aware that the Director has an obligation to report to the Police all matters concerning child sexual abuse.