As we edge closer towards 100 years of BCA on 26 May 2019, we remember the people who have gone before us and those who shared the vision of spreading the good news of Jesus Christ across our nation.
BCA’s role over the years grew and developed as different needs arose. Over the last century BCA has enjoyed responsibility for ministries ranging from flying padres, church services, Scripture in schools and family counselling, to welfare and medical services. Mission vans, hostels, hospitals, the Flying Medical Service, Mail Bag Sunday School, clergy, nurses and others played their part in taking the love of Christ to all corners of our vast continent. Men and women took the good news of Jesus and shared His love in practical ways. BCA worked hard to meet people’s physical, emotional and spiritual needs in locations that were starved of services and support systems. A number of our original ministries remain today in addition to new ministries that have been added over the years.
The basic characteristics of the men and women who serve Bush Church Aid – their great love of God, their unwavering determination and perseverance – have not changed in nearly 100 years.
All at BCA look forward to celebrating the men and women of God who have gone before us in the name of Christ. We want you to join in our celebrations. There will be special services at St Andrew’s Cathedral in Sydney and we have invited churches across the country to take part in BCA Sunday. We are in the process of putting together resources that you can use in your church, Sunday School or Bible study group.
BCA Centenary Prayer
Almighty and gracious God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We praise you for planting your fruitful word in this land over many generations, through many different ministries, and we rejoice that many Australians have found new life through faith in Jesus.
Today we especially thank you for your faithfulness in sustaining the work of the Bush Church Aid Society over the past one hundred years.
We grieve that we have not always shown your love and truth in our common life. We recognise the injustices done to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and ask that you would help us walk together as one, reconciled through Christ.
Please continue to pour out your Spirit on your church, so that we might reach Australia for Christ. Raise up many labourers and empower us to be your witnesses, so that this nation would worship its true Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ,
In whose name we pray, Amen