Messy Life?! Church
Bring the WHOLE FAMILY at 5pm in the Ministry Centre
for a time of WTF
What will the children be doing?
Our space welcomes children in Godly Play. The Godly Play approach helps them to explore their faith through story, wonder and play. Children have an innate sense of the presence of God and Godly Play seeks to support their personal and authentic experience of the Divine.
What will the adults be doing?
Using Manna and Mercy, we will take a fresh look at scripture from the point of view of the love of Jesus.
Together we dive into the Deep Themes of Scripture, honouring God’s overall call for each of us to partner with God in mending this beautiful but fractured world.
How will Messy Life?! Church work?
Our time together has three movements:
Gathering: A time for all age worship
Engaging: age appropriate and safe learning communities
Responding: through blessing and prayer.
What is Messy Life?! Church?
· Content rich teaching,
· in the context of engaging and energising worship.
· Informed discussions in safe community incorporating preparation for Confirmation and First Communion. Messy Life?! Church is for the whole family.
Who is it for?
· This service is for any and all who seek to deepen their faith through teaching, discussion and worship.
· Those wanting Confirmation, membership of our church or First Communion are asked to use this space as their preparation.