Human Flourishing

How do we measure human flourishing? How do we measure the success of the nations of the world? Since the Great Depression, GNP (Gross National Product) was developed as a way to measure how countries were emerging out of the Great Depression into sustainability. GNP was introduced on the floor of congress in the USA in 1937. It was never meant as a way to compare nations. Today GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is closely watched as an economic indicator of a country’s growth. GDP determines whether or not investors decide to make investments in a country or not, obviously low GDP = low stock prices = low earnings = poverty. Using GDP as a measurement, unsurprisingly, the measure of the nations is

1st USA

2nd China

Last Tuvalu.

What GDP hides is how that wealth is shared, where in some rich countries 80 percent of the wealth is controlled by 20 percent of the people. Moreover, tragedies such as bush fires, COVID pandemics, cyclones etc INCREASE GDP as millions are spent in rebuilding countries.

Are there other ways to measure the wellbeing of a country? King Jigme Singye Wangchuckj of Bhutan rejects GDP. Instead from 1972 Bhutan measures the Gross National Happiness. Through randomised interviews, 9 variables are measured:

·         living standards

·         health

·         good governance

·         ecological diversity

·         resilience

·         time use

·         psychological wellbeing

·         cultural diversity and resilience

·         community vitality.


Similarly, Matthew 25:31-46 reveals the key to human flourishing. Those nations that value feeding the poor, clothing the naked, visiting those in prison and serving in love, are those judged by the Son of Man as successful.

Desiree Snyman