Way of Love Advent 4

Fourth Week of Advent: Journeying in the World 

As we come closer to the joy and promise of the Incarnation, we invite you to continue journeying the Way of Love. Consider this week which of the seven practices captured your imagination this Advent. Which challenged you or brought the most joy? Where did you find blessings or cross boundaries? Where is God calling you to witness to salvation being birthed into the world today

Sunday, December 20

Linger before leaving worship today. Ask God to prepare and send you on a journey into the world to witness to God’s love. 

Monday, December 21

Go out into your neighborhood today. Where do you see God at work? What attributes of God’s love are visible? Ask God to show you how you can celebrate and join in that love. 

Tuesday, December 22

Read Luke 2:8-10. When has God surprised you? Share with a friend. 

Wednesday, December 23

Set aside a time today to pray for others. Include three minutes of intentional silence, asking God to speak to you. 

Tuesday, December 24

If you are gathering with others today, take turns naming a way the person on your right or left has blessed you. 

Wednesday, December 25

Read Luke 1-2. Give thanks for the birth of the Christ-child. Pray that you may follow Christ Jesus on his Way of Love with your whole heart, mind, body, and spirit

For more Advent resources related to the Way of Love, visit episcopalchurch.org/wayoflove. There, you’ll find links to the full Advent curriculum Journeying the Way of Love, as well as Living the Way of Love in Community, a nine-session curriculum for use anytime.


Desiree Snyman