
What do you think of when you hear the word ‘home’? What does the phrase ‘to feel at home’ mean to you? As you reflect on home consider stepping into the deepest home within …

“There is a secret place. A radiant sanctuary. As real as your own kitchen. More real than that. Constructed of the purest elements. Overflowing with the ten thousand beautiful things. Worlds within worlds. Forests, rivers. Velvet coverlets thrown over feather beds, fountains bubbling beneath a canopy of stars. Bountiful forests, universal libraries. A wine cellar offering an intoxication so sweet you will never be sober again. A clarity so complete you will never again forget.
This magnificent refuge is inside you. Enter. … Ask no permission from the authorities. Slip away. Close your eyes and follow your breath to the still place that leads to the invisible path that leads you home.
-Mirabai Starr
“The Calling” from the Introduction to her translation of Teresa of Avila's The Interior Castle

Enjoy your time at home this week.