
John 7 are the words Jesus spoke at the Feast of Tabernacles. Tabernacles remembered the time the Hebrews lived in tents as they travelled in the wilderness for 40 years. You may remember the
story recording in Exodus: the people of God, oppressed by Egypt’s Pharaoh, escape through the desert following their leaders Miriam and Moses.  During that time, they enjoyed Manna (bread) and water from a rock.
At the Feast of Tabernacles, according to the Mishnah (Sukkah), water rituals were part of the
celebration.  A priest would draw water from the pool of Siloam with a golden pitcher, then taking it back to the temple  he would pour it into a bowl next to the altar. In some rabbinic traditions, the water-drawing of Tabernacles is interpreted as the drawing of the Holy Spirit.

In John 7 Jesus is reinterpreting the Feast of Tabernacles promising a greater experience of thirst quenching water – the Holy Spirit.  

What are the dry and empty areas in your life right now?

The rivers of living water are flowing out from Christ to you! Come to Jesus and drink.