The Parable of the Earth

Over billions of years the Gardener of the Universe created a beautiful blue planet and filled it with life and caused humans to tenant it. However, the tenants thought they knew better and rather than work with the Gardener decided to dominate this world and fought amongst each other for the position of most power. They cut down the trees, killed the animals, poisoned the spoils and hurt and killed each other as well as enslaving the animals and other humans in order for their tribe to be the biggest and strongest.

The Gardener of the Universe was so upset that the humans were destroying rather than promoting life on this beautiful world that the Gardener decided to bring into being a child who would try to tell them about the wonderful life- enhancing fruit that could be had from their world. The child came to them and told them they could have abundant life if they would but attune themselves to love; the Life of the Universe.

Some heard the child and believed, but most could not give up their power, control and domination so took the child and killed the child horribly.

As the millennia rolled by the number of humans on the planet grew. Some remembered the child and the Gardener and sort to follow the love promoting way of life.

On October 4th each year one person in particular is remembered, a monk named Francis. For him the earth and all its creatures belonged to the Gardener and were his brothers and sisters to be loved and cherished. Francis saw that the Gardener’s beautiful planet needed saving along with the humans who were destroying it.

Today unfortunately, the domination continues and the power of humans to destroy grows ever stronger, and yet the Spirit of the Child and Gardener still call us to love and peace. The story is not finished. It is not too late to reject power and domination and live in love and glorious harmony with each other and this beautiful planet we call Earth.

However, the consequences of human behaviour begin to grow dire and the foretastes of the great burning are already being felt.

Desiree Snyman