Alstonville Anglicans

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Comfort My People

For at the least the last 6 months, a Bible Verse that has become a mantra for me is “Comfort my People”. The mantra summarises my intention to show up in the world with kindness, patience, presence, and comfort. 

We are only beginning to understand the long-term effects of COVID and lock down.  We have hardly recovered from the intensity of the bushfires. Now we are witnessing and experiencing trauma related to unimaginable flooding. Intercalating the flood updates are images of misery and stress from the Ukraine as they stand up to Russia. I feel such compassion for our people in this region and beyond. I worry about how much more people can take. Comfort my people says the Lord. 

In our meditation on Wednesday, we drew together as one collective self and poured out an energy of comfort, compassion, and peace. Whatever it is you are facing, please know that compassion, comfort, peace, and hope are so much stronger than despair, hopelessness, and suffering. Amidst immense distress the nobility of the human spirit shines so brightly. Within each of us is an Infinite source of peace and care that far out floods any disaster. I see this Divine Spirit at work in each of you and the members of our community. It is this presence of Love, Concern, or God that is in the eyes and hearts of all whom I meet that is the source of my hope. 

I am grateful:

·         for the outpouring of support to those in distress,

·         for those using their skills set to rebuild lives,

·         for every thought, feeling and act of love and compassion, for this energy overcomes any fear and destruction.

Thank you for your presence to others, and thank you also for nourishing yourselves with self-care, self-love and self -compassion.      Desiree