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Why Peter & Paul?   


1. I mean why not James & Matthew? Or Thomas & John? Erudite theologians, may supply reasons for linking these two disciples. But this is not a theological lecture – this is an elderly part-time preacher's attempt to highlight some facts about each disciple's life and ministry. My hope is to encourage you, my fellow 21st century disciples as we also attempt to follow Jesus ... it is in his name we struggle ... let's pray ...

Our Father, please guide us now as we briefly consider the lives of these two disciples, help us learn from them and their examples. Equip us Father to follow Jesus more closely. - It is in his name we pray. Amen.

One story that has arisen out of the collected memory of our church at Tregeagle refers to an eleven-year-old boy who, while admiring this stained-glass window which was high in the chancel, exclaimed in surprise and wonder:

“Mum they're high fiving! I didn't know they did that in the Bible!“

Well, I don't know either! Both Peter and Paul are on record for encouraging people to greet fellow Christians 'with a holy kiss' And we are certainly encouraged 'as far as it depends on us' to live at peace -in harmony - with everyone. A good principle! The wording seems to indicate that there may be times when this is not possible. Maybe the Holy Kiss is the biblical equivalent to today's high-fiving! We certainly recognise there are some times when high-fiving – living in harmony may not be possible - times when harmony, peace and genuine 'high-fiving' needs to be worked for – times when we mustn't merely be pacifiers but need to be peace makers (Ref: the Sermon on the Mount)

Such disagreement occurred during the ministries of Peter and Paul. The issue: is circumcision required for Gentiles who become Christians? Or is baptism sufficient? The two disciples argued, discussed, and agreed. Thus, a possible early "schism" was avoided. A popular hymn*, testifies to the Church's often chequered history since.

Currently, the issue of same-sex marriage has the potential to divide people of faith. Our Anglican Communion holds two schools of thought in tension: 'Comprehensive Anglicanism' favours the developing of a marriage rite for same-sex couples. Whereas traditional conservatives dismiss this idea as 'Neo-paganism' holding that the Bible only supports marriage as an exclusive union between one male and one female ideally for life.

Peter and Paul's apparent example of prayerful, robust, and respectful debate needs to be followed. with prayer. While Paul and Peter may have come from- 'different sides of the tracks' - they each came to put his confidence in Jesus, and to depend on him in this life and for the next!

A brief look at each man: well, what were they like? What would each be like living now?

Firstly, I reckon Paul in today's world would be an IT nerd, or a bookworm. At school he'd be the kid who spends lunch time in the library - a scholar, a careful studious very religious boy. School magazine prediction: a future Rhodes Scholar.

Secondly, I reckon Peter today would be a blue-collar worker, shop steward or Union rep. At school he'd frequent the gymnasium or spend lunch time catching tadpoles, a sports star- an exuberant very religious boy. School magazine prediction: a future Olympic medallist.

BOTH searching: - both 'good Jewish boys' ...each from good families two non-surprises:                             

2. Paul is expecting the Messiah - Nonsurprise 1/ to find Paul's youth was spent in formal education brought up in the city, educated @ the feet of leading Pharisee Gamaliel according to the strict manner of the law (Acts22:3) examining scrolls/texts searching for Messiah he grows in his understanding of Messiahship.  His search for, all his expecting of Messiah - prepare him for meeting with Jesus! Paul has had a growing understanding of the Messiah!

Peter is anticipating the Messiah - Nonsurprise 2/ to find Peter learning both his religion and his trade at home. Apprenticed to his father, becomes ready to give away his fishing licence to follow a nondescript itinerant rabbi who he suspects is the Messiah. To the challenging invitation: “Follow me, and I will make you a fisher of men” Peter's immediate response: he leaves the nets and follows him. (Mt4.) His search for, his anticipating of Messiah – prepare him for meeting with Jesus! he has this growing recognition of the Messiah!

Can you imagine the differences of these two men's youthful experiences?

Paul 'silver spoon' privilege and Roman citizenship vs Jewish religious upbringing are bound to bring about a clash of cultures. Paul says of himself: If anyone thinks he has reason for confidence in the flesh, I have more:  circumcised on the eighth day of the people of Israel, tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews; as to the law, a Pharisee; (Philippians 3.4)

Paul > studying the Torah, O.T. Prophets with beautiful scripture passages: For he grew up before him like a young plant, and like a root out of dry ground;(Is:53.2) then the shock & horror: 'He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth; like a lamb that is led to the slaughter' (vs 7) Paul has an intellectual problem with these seeming opposite extremes. A brain/heart struggle …God's deliverer of all Israel suffer? The one we all depend on?! (he can hardly believe it)

Peter > learning in the rough & tumble of life listening to Jesus- seeing him work miracles (e.g. His mum-in-law – healed!) He has the mind-boggling experience of witnessing Jesus' transfiguration … struggling emotionally to get things together in his head/heart 3 steps forward he declares: you are the Christ the son of the living God! -Jesus: “congrats! Not revealed by flesh & blood!” - spiritual! (discernment) Later he says he'll stick with Jesus. “Where else would we go Lord? You have the words of eternal life.” Then on objecting to the idea of Jesus' future suffering: He is rebuked by Jesus: “Get behind me Satan!” - 2 steps backward Peter has an emotional problem with the same extremes. A mind/heart struggle … God's rescuer suffer? The one to deliver us?! (he can't believe it)

Both disciples on steep learning curves … Paul discovers as he 'hits the books' that the Messiah is the suffering servant! …Peter hears Jesus preach, sees the miracles and is discovering Jesus is to suffer? Both men are slowly coming to understand that the Messiah must suffer. The same steep learning curve faces all the followers. The disciples said to him, “Rabbi, the Jews were just now seeking to stone you, and are you going there again?” They wish to keep Jesus safe. Thomas, in resignation, speaks for the twelve: he said to his fellow disciples, “Let 's also go, that we may die with him.” (Jn 11:8/16) (cheery Tom!)

For all the disciples, what is making Jesus' suffering so difficult to accept? And now today, what makes the fact of Jesus suffering difficult? For us? What makes it necessary for the Servant to suffer? How come Jesus chooses to head toward Jerusalem - to his suffering and death? --This steep learning curve for Peter & Paul is just as steep for all of humanity. As a race we follow our ancestors Eve & Adam - we reject the concept that we need help! We get sucked in by our D.I.Y. culture: God helps those who help themselves.

You can do it! The concept that we need Jesus to save us from our sins is repudiated constantly in our culture with thoughts like: 'Religion is outmoded' 'Be a man!' and 'A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do!' and of course: 'Girls can do anything!' There's that old popular song often played at funerals: 'I did it my way'. It seems we don't need anyone else! Certainly, ever since the Eden Garden experience we don't need God! We definitely don't need someone to suffer for us! The Israelites and most pagan religions depended on sacrifice. To appease the Almighty, people sacrificed animals and crops, virgins and children. All this was to atone for sin. To win favour, to make a pleasing sacrifice.

Peter & Paul's learning curve begins at the point of understanding the 'Suffering Servant-Messiah'. It concludes with the acceptance of the New Covenant! From our perspective we may appreciate the 'suffering servant-messiah'. We understand, yet struggle to fathom, Jesus' choice of suffering and death.

The Christian life has any number of steep learning curves. Where are you right now?

The same lesson had to be learnt by Peter & Paul (You & me) suffering servant!

Political changes Obama … Trump ...Biden … in Australia ...

Political fresh starts … ? excitement with Gough Whitlam's “It's time” Kevin '0 7'

I'm hoping for a new ERA in Australia after last night's world cup win the Socceroos!

But greater by far was the new understanding of God's NEW Covenant, new deal, New Testament! Peter & Paul's understanding: suffering servant-messiah - Jesus' death & Resurrection!

Can you say with the apostle Paul: whatever gain I had, I count as loss for the sake of Christ, indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.(Philippians 3).

Let's pray using the apostle Peter's words: Let's give thanks to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! Because of his great mercy he gave us new life by raising Jesus Christ from death. This fills us with a living hope. (1Pet 1.3)

Amen ? Amen! ~ John Kidson    ©      2022